Welcome to Cerenion
The next generation brain monitoring company
We provide innovative solutions for practical EEG monitoring in acute healthcare.
Our mission is to make EEG monitoring in acute care
- easier and
- more accessible
than ever before.
Keeping the brain safe during intensive care is essential for patient recovery and a good neurological outcome. We believe that routine use of continuous EEG monitoring can improve the quality of acute healthcare.
The need for continuous EEG in acute healthcare

Based on clinical guidelines both in the US and in Europe, EEG monitoring may be beneficial for critically ill patients recovering from cardiac arrest, patients at risk of epileptic seizures, or whenever cerebral hypoxia is suspected.
In reality, these guidelines are seldom followed because the tools and techniques for continuous EEG monitoring have not previously been available.
Now they are.

C-Trend by Cerenion is a novel, AI assisted software tool that transforms complex analog EEG waveforms into clear numerical parameters. This is called quantitative EEG, or qEEG.
The displayed parameters and trends can reveal, in real-time, critical changes in the raw EEG waveforms that are difficult to discern even by the experienced clinical eye.
Now, intensivists and other healthcare professionals can better understand, and act faster, on potentially brain-threatening changes in EEG waveforms.

Building on high quality and safety

We are committed to the quality of our devices and processes to assure safety and high performance throughout the product lifecycle.